Friday 26 September 2014

We had to get new prescribtions

I've never had any dealings with you. Want to absolutely ensure that I will never ever have anything to do with you? Annoy me by spamming me like you've been doing!

And no - I won't "opt out" out of something I never requested in the first place.

An agent of Affinity came to our office selling this product to us. We are on the day to day care program. We had to change doctor and chemist to suite the medical aid. We had to get new prescribtions for cronic illness. No one told us to complete an cronic application form. The first time we go to clicks the cronic medication were not paid. The second set were paid after putting them on hellopeter and afterwards none is gettig paid. We have submitted claims from another GP as it was an emergency and our dr was to far - from October till now not paid. None of our plain bloodtests are getting paid so we have to pay everything self. No extray or sonars were paid. we have put them on Hellopeter, spoke to a manager that called us back, a lady called us regarding our claims not being paid, would have send me her email as I was not with pen and paper - never did. So we told them to cancelled the medical aid, even to the agent and untill today it is not cancelled since October and still we get no claims paid. We are awaiting the Medical Boards ombudman telephone number and are going to report them. Call centre refuse to help you on your id no must have your medical aid number to help you.

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