Friday 26 September 2014

On my previous complaint

Shay and Carine set the standard for service delivery and other companies can learn a **** of alot from them! If this is the type of service Affinity Health strives for then I look forward to being a client of theirs for a very long time!

 On my previous complaint Paul phoned me back and stated saying my auth was declined. Affinity says its pre existing condition but how is this possible if the cancerous knob on my shoulder has only been diognosed through a mri a week ago? 4 weeks ago I went to my GP showing him the newly found knob on my shoulder and from his reported measurements of the growth it has doubled the size in a month according to the specialist. My GP referred me to this specialist which diagnosed that its cancerous. Im not happy and not happy with the way everything was handled. This growth is present in my shoulder for about 3 to 3 and half months and growing at a enormous fase. I was told that this has happened in the 3 month waiting period but how can I declare a pre existing condition if the growth was not even present at the time when I joined Affinity health. Am I paying for a service which im not allowed to use? My health is at risk here. The longer I wait greater will my health risk be. Is this how much affinity care for they members??? And till this day nobody phoned again as I was requesting someone from affinity should call me and explain this to me.I'm going to the newspapers with this....

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