Friday 26 September 2014

Thank you for reporting your experience

The doctor send the report to my email address and I forwarded this report to Chantal Boylan directly she send this on to Portia at Pan African on the 20th of August. I have to get another copy of the first report because on the one I received on the 25th of June they indicate a closed fracture of calcaneus and this is a bit confusing. On Dr Fourie's report she indicated a Bimalleolar fracture of left ankle. This is a fracture of the left ankle. I also received a report from the Orthopaedic Surgeon at Zuid Afrikaans Hospital today. However I explained previously I am currently working from home and I cannot scan the reports to send them through to you.

Thank you for reporting your experience on Hello Peter.

We have been in constant with you and still await for the doctors report who originally treated you. We have even go as far as to contact the doctors rooms on several occasions for the report but to no avail.

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