Friday 26 September 2014

AffinityHealth due to these

Where did they get my number from? Why are they SMSing me even though I'm on the opt out list?

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.

Received an unsolicited SMS from AffinityHealth - I cannot opt out of something if I never subscribed in the first place. Additionally it is a cheek to expect me to pay to unsubscribe. I am DMA registered and will NEVER do business with AffinityHealth due to these cheap marketing stunts.

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.

Consumer Protection Act

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.


We would like to resolve the matter with you and we have requested that you provide us with the details of your query.  I received an SMS from affinity health. I have never dealt with them nor do I want to pay to opt out of their list.

We also do make it very clear

We also do make it very clear in all our literature, welcome letter and product guide that our benefits are strictly within our set formularies such as restrictions to 'black and white' X-Rays. On day to day benefits, we only approve sonars for pregnancy. Such restrictions secure monthly premiums of only R279 per member and as a result many thousands of happy members enjoy the benefits offered.

 We will make contact with the management of the pathology company that you quoted to address the defamatory comments made by their personnel. Our relationship with them is extremely good and they too enjoy prompt and frequent payments from us for the their claims.

 Affinity Health medical insurance is an absolutely affordable medical insurance that does exactly what any lower plan on any other medical aid fund would do at half the price and with triple the amount of efficiency. I would specifically like to compliment Nadine, Bernie and Callin on their absolutely fantastic way of dealing with me as the customer. I received feedback all the way through and the query was resolved.

Our marketing company

I have been receiving spam sms's from you guys. Please stop bugging me. Is this type of unauthorised advertising not illegal??? It should be!

Our marketing company has confirmed that they have unsubscribed you off their database.

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.

 We took Affinity Health- it was explained to us that all pathology test are cover aswell as all radiologist accounts we must just know it is only black and white xtrays. My husband had pain in his leg so we went to the doctor this morning. She said his leg is swollen we must go for a sonar at Eugene marias hospital. When we came there they said that Affinity is not linked to them, they can do the sonar but we have to pay upfront and try to claim back. We called affinity without any success as to someone to assist us where to get assistance. We contacted our dr and she suggested a blood test. So we went to the Lancet lab in her office, only to find out that Affinity do not pay for such lab tests. So please tell me what is a sonar is it not radiologist? What is a bloodtest - is it not pathology? I am no doctor but seriously. The docter and the lab in PTA Norht said stay away they have problems every day with Affinity Health. So before you get Affinity rather go to some one else.

This afternoon I phoned

This is really bad. Week ago I phoned for auth nr was told to phone africa assist. They wanted a letter from the dr regarding what is wrong with me and what the dr is planning to do. I forwarded those letters as requested. Its for a growth in my shoulder that needs to be removed surgically. They corresponded per email they will get back to me this morning. This afternoon I phoned and the guy said someone from affinity will contact me but he thinks they declined it???? How possible is this for such poor service? As to date I was impressed but after this ordeal I want to cancel this whole thing? They suppose to help me.. what am I then paying for if I cant go for something that might put my health at risk?

We telephonically communicated to you the same day the reasons for us declining your hospital admission and have since provided you with written communication.

On my previous complaint

Shay and Carine set the standard for service delivery and other companies can learn a **** of alot from them! If this is the type of service Affinity Health strives for then I look forward to being a client of theirs for a very long time!

 On my previous complaint Paul phoned me back and stated saying my auth was declined. Affinity says its pre existing condition but how is this possible if the cancerous knob on my shoulder has only been diognosed through a mri a week ago? 4 weeks ago I went to my GP showing him the newly found knob on my shoulder and from his reported measurements of the growth it has doubled the size in a month according to the specialist. My GP referred me to this specialist which diagnosed that its cancerous. Im not happy and not happy with the way everything was handled. This growth is present in my shoulder for about 3 to 3 and half months and growing at a enormous fase. I was told that this has happened in the 3 month waiting period but how can I declare a pre existing condition if the growth was not even present at the time when I joined Affinity health. Am I paying for a service which im not allowed to use? My health is at risk here. The longer I wait greater will my health risk be. Is this how much affinity care for they members??? And till this day nobody phoned again as I was requesting someone from affinity should call me and explain this to me.I'm going to the newspapers with this....

I recently signed up

the list of doctors I got from affinity was of all cheap useless doctors. I have decided to leave them for discovery rather. and i have been a member since october til today no card.

I recently signed up for a Hospital insurance plan for myself and my girlfriend, and after much research and tearing my hair out, I finally came across Affinity Health.

As with all other health insurance companies, I was skeptical at first, but Affinity has the best deals to suit us, so I decided to take the plunge and mail them to get the necessary documentation etc.

Shay walked me through the process step by step and explained everything clearly and patiently to me and gave me all the info and paperwork I needed. Upon submission, our applications were handed over to Carine who handled our applications so professionally and quickly and never missed any detail. Honestly the entire sign up process was painless and it took less than a day from start to finish!

Now in December I got

I applied for a policy wit Affinity in November and indicated the inception date as 01/01/2014 meaning first installment goes off in December 2013. Firstly my account was debited in November instead of December. I raised this issue and had to go to the bank to reverse the debit. Now in December I got double debited. I raised the issue again to say one installment needs to be reversed and this was on the 30th of December, they said it would be done on the 06/01/2014. Today is the 07/01/2014 and my money has not been refunded. All i get as a response is that a request has been sent to Affinity Health for approval to reverse the debit order. This does not work for me because some of my accounts have gone off as unpaid because of this and you people will not cover the costs of my unpaid debits. This is not good enough for me, i want my money back in my account today!

As per our discussion, I am glad that we managed to resolve this matter and we will be refunding you the November month premium.

Since then it has been emails

My wonderful children pays for this for their mother.

The courier company did try to deliver this in mid December, to my daughter in law's cr?che.
She was not there and the staff does not know who I am, so the courier was sent away.

Since then it has been emails and calls and frustration!

Siyabonga makes promises of calling you back, and never does.
Yesterday I had enough and said I want to speak to his manager.
He said it is a Paul, but he is in a meeting. I told Siyabonga he must get Paul to call me back, yesterday!
It is the following day, and still no call.

Poor poor service, I am truly disappointed in Affinity Health.

What poor response from

On Friday the 3 of January 2014 I have send an application for Chronic Medication to Affinity Health, I called them to confirm if they have received the application and they informed me that the application will take 48 hours meaning two work days, I still have not received any feedback from them. I have called them twice today and both times the person responsible are not available and she will call me back still waiting for that call.

My journey is just starting with Affinity Health and NO service already?
What poor response from a service provider.
My 3 month waiting period is over and I am able to go see a doctor now, right?
WRONG! Seeing that I have not received the card, it is impossible!

We had to get new prescribtions

I've never had any dealings with you. Want to absolutely ensure that I will never ever have anything to do with you? Annoy me by spamming me like you've been doing!

And no - I won't "opt out" out of something I never requested in the first place.

An agent of Affinity came to our office selling this product to us. We are on the day to day care program. We had to change doctor and chemist to suite the medical aid. We had to get new prescribtions for cronic illness. No one told us to complete an cronic application form. The first time we go to clicks the cronic medication were not paid. The second set were paid after putting them on hellopeter and afterwards none is gettig paid. We have submitted claims from another GP as it was an emergency and our dr was to far - from October till now not paid. None of our plain bloodtests are getting paid so we have to pay everything self. No extray or sonars were paid. we have put them on Hellopeter, spoke to a manager that called us back, a lady called us regarding our claims not being paid, would have send me her email as I was not with pen and paper - never did. So we told them to cancelled the medical aid, even to the agent and untill today it is not cancelled since October and still we get no claims paid. We are awaiting the Medical Boards ombudman telephone number and are going to report them. Call centre refuse to help you on your id no must have your medical aid number to help you.

Got a marketing sms from

I can't say I"m surprised - this is the worst company I have ever dealt with.

Got a marketing sms from Affinity Health. Went online, filled in details to get a quotation. After hitting the send button, a policy number came up. I am now signed up just when all I was looking for was a quotation. I then receive email stating on which date I should pay first premium. I have spoken to no one to explain all of this. I then receive another email stating that I have provided the incorrect banking details, I should confirm this by email or fax.

I call the contact centre. To my dismay, I have been signed up as a client, without my acknowledgement or approval. I ask consultant how it came about that I be signed up without my knowledge or approval, he says it must have been a mistake. Without even finishing the conversation, he hung up when I insinuated that this is a ****, signing up people without their consent.

Having not heard a thing

We applied to join Affinity Health on Mon, 20 Jan 2014. After completing information online, we waited for a consultant to call us to discuss the policy & necessary details.

Having not heard a thing by 27 Jan, I called the Customer Care where I was on hold for 16 minutes - no one answered the phone. Out of frustration I redialed & spoke to a sales consultant who assured me the "verification's lady" would call me in 10 minutes. 3 hours later - nothing. I called again to cancel my policy. I spoke to a consultant who told me he would cancel the application. Just after 4pm the "verification's lady" called me & I told her as well that I was not prepared to go further with the application as if this was the service I could expect - I was not interested.

I then sent an email to [Email Removed] and [Email Removed] to ensure the cancellation was again noted. I received an out of office from Carina & then emailed Heidi at Phakama.


I signed on at affinity health

I signed on at affinity healthe and the documents states clearly 02/02/2014 the first payment. I saw no money was deducted and emailed Nikki, she said I did signed for the 27th I did email a copy to her that she can see I signed for the 2nd, she promise will be fixed. Now I got email they taking off two payment this month! I clearly said let's start new and siad the first payment must go off the 2nd of march as it was ther fault with the falls statement they said I signed for while a have the signed doc with me ane the original email with the date! Money don't grow on my back, first they ****and now wane just take double payment for there ****. That's a bad start, nmake sure Affinity you don't take two payment the 2nd of march or I will reverse the money and cancel due to your office people putting there own dates in

I have recently joined Affinity health, Carine contacted me this morning to confirm details. It was an absolute pleasure to dealmwith her. My questions were answered and I have received all the information that I requested. Thank you Carine for being so professional and friendly.

Chronic Medication has been approved

I joint affinity Health in August on their day to day plan then changed to Comprehensive Plan dated 01/09/2014. I checked with the Consultant Sanchia about the Chronic Medication, if it will be covered, she e-mailed me to confirm that it will be covered. 6 months later after the waiting period I applied for my Chronic Medication, a consultant Amelda phoned me to say that the Chronic Medication has been approved only to E-mail me the next day and say the medication is not covered. Paul the Manager decided to changed the hospital waiting period from 12 months as stated on the brochure to 24 months. After me sending him all correspondence with them he still has not resolved the problem. They have not even paid GP consultation fees.

They approved the Plans without contacting the underwriting department, so now 6 month later I get punished for their mistakes.

I am now tired of liaising with them as it seems they wont admit fault. He sends me forms to apply for Comprehensive cover which we have already.
I am now taking the legal route together with Ombudsman. Will not advice anyone to join Affinity Health.

I then reply to the email asking

Double debit taken off my account without notification,but is refunded 2 weeks later after a number of telephones calls at my cost.

I then ask for the policy to be cancelled and initial debit to be refunded as I did not use the benefits on the policy,I was asked to take it up with the General Manager.After leaving a number of messages and sending emails to him I get a response about the "cooling off period" has passed.

I then reply to the email asking him to listen to the recording when the policy was taken.Again after leaving messages and a few days passing,all I get is the proof of delivery of the welcome pack.

So in other words its my fault that I did not read the T/C's and they have gained the one premium paid.

I have family members wanting to join this company,but definitely not after this episode. I have submitted numerous claims to Affinity Health. I have only been paid on two occasions but the one payment only amounted to R2 refund,
Who is processing my other claims and why don't I receive any feedback or correspondence.

Policy was taken out

With such attitude and service Affinity Health should be proud to have him as a marketing agent !

I would like to cancel the Insurance I have with you due to poor service I got from you, my ID number iis 8407120869085. I have joined Affinity in October till to date I have a tooth problem with I keep on sent to a dentist who has issues with attending to his appointment I feel you need to look at the Dr under you network cause they are not keeping their word I am very angry as I left work early for my appointment with no help then I went again today but she didn't show up claiming she is sick. I would like to cancel with immediate effect. I don't want any debts from my account pas from the 1st of February I am no longer your member . so know they debited my account on the 25/02/2014 but i did say i am canceling as from 01/02/2014 there should be no debit Policy was taken out last November with Call Centre.Agent did not explain the finer details like "cooling off period" etc.

Booklet from them stating they pay for bloodtests

You get a booklet from them stating they pay for bloodtests but when you go for bloodtests a month later you receive a bill from the hospital stating that Affinity rejected to pay the account because they dont pay for those needed bloodtests my doctor sent me to do. I'm cancelling my account with them as i need to pay for those bloodtests and can use the money i pay every month towards affinity to pay for them. they should let their customers know what exactly they do pay. will see if they will have customers after that.

I contacted Kokkie Hartmann for a quotation and within 5 minutes I had everything on my mail.
They keep sending SMS with offers. Get stuffed Affinity. Why must we pay for SMS to 'opt out' of your unwanted offers? You are damaging your brand by hassling people without permission. This is the 2nd time I have asked you to stop contacting me.
I contacted him back with certain questions and was surprised to receive a mail again quickly

Medical Health Insurance Plan


I applied to the Medical Health Insurance Plan. And the first payment will be going off the 1st April 2014. The woman that helped us, Carne. She was all sweet and nice when we started the application.

After we contacted her via BBM, she would not help us with any information. She told us to just phone the call center. We don't have a policy number. No documentation. The way she sold us this plan, sounded too good to be true. Now I am thinking it is.

No money has been paid, the 1st debit order is to go off the 1st April 2014 - we want to cancel this before that date

Today I got anther SMS from them

I was even in contact with "Paul McNamee" about removing my number from their list. He said "I do apologies and I will escalate this matter and ensure your details are now removed.".

I am part of the opt-out list, and I've been ensured by Paul that my number was removed, however they still spam me.

I wrote an report on Hello Peter a few days ago. To cancel the application. I was contacted via email. Was informed that we will be contacted. I was contacted via email. And was asked for a contact number, which I gave, but mixed with another number. I was contacted again via email and gave the correct number.
I gave the correct number on the 24th March 2014. It is now the 31 March 2014 and I have not been contacted.

If I had to reply to every spam

I keep getting ridiculous SMS messages. I don't want your product, never did, never queried - I just want the torrent of messages to STOP

I've put my name on the do not contact list.

If I had to reply to every spam I get it would cost me R60 this month

Saw this great application for medical Aid and it looked so inviting and the sales agent contacted me selling this services to me and I asked loads of questions regarding their pregnancy policy they told me it was 12 month waiting period so I asked being a woman and all, what would happen if you had to fall pregnant before the time would they cover and all that, leaving me with the repression that they would. Now *** has given me that gift of being pregnant and now that I have let them know now they telling me they will not cover, Ive asked to speak to higher management they don't respond to me like they should and they refusing to cover now I do not know I'm going to bring my baby into this world. Please watch out for this medial aid company they ***** ***** *****...

Unbelievable how many debit

Unbelievable how many debit orders have gone through when account was cancelled. USELESS. Unnecessary bank charges for non payment and I have had to close my bank account becasue NOTHING gets resolved!!!


On the 4th of February 2014 I completed the "Get a Quote" section of the Affinity Health website as I was interested in finding out more about their scheme. Shortly thereafter I receive a Medical Questionnaire which I did not complete.On the 11th of February I received a Document Pack and a notification that I had been "successfully accepted" as a member and that the premium was R 1518. I wrote to the supplied address stating that I did not agree to the membership and that I wanted it cancelled immediately. I received a reply from Jackie van Niekerk who stated that there was a 30 day cancellation period and that I would be debited. My account has been debited twice with R 1518 and also R 150 all by Affinity Health. Due to insufficient funds the unauthorized debits were returned incurring charges of R 360. To the Director of Affinity Health, Mr Murray Hewlett and the General manager Mr Mc Namee I find your company's conduct disgusting and underhanded.

I phoned them a few days ago

As far as we are concerned the level of service we are received is atrocious.

I think I made the biggest mistake in my life joining affinity health.
I Joined 3 months ago they took my joining fee feb and the first month was suppose to go of end of march.

my policy is suppose to start now end of April the first 2 months I received emails from them telling me my fees is behind they going to take my money twice or cancel my policy. I phoned them so many times telling them they made a mistake they must rectify it and always they tell my its fixed not to worry anymore month one they took my money twice after I spoke to them the same day that my policy was suppose to go of to make sure they don't take it double. after I reversed it I phoned them and they made excuses and was very sorry a few days later I got a email again that they going to cancel my policy. same story I phoned them they were very sorry same excuses it will not happen again not until I got a email again... I phoned them a few days ago to make sure their things are fixed and to ask them since my policy must start 1 May when am I going to receive my membership card. he promised me 25 April which was yesterday. I did not hear a thing from them accept that they deduct the money twice again.

My mother was also hospitalized

My brother was hospitalized on the 03/03/2014 and was discharge the following (after being transferred from two hospitals, he ultimately ended up in a state hospital in outside Pretoria.

He filled in the claims form and faxed it to Affinity health (19/03/204) as he intended to use that money to settle the hospital bill, to this day we are still waiting for assistance. The fax was sent to 0866654885.

My mother was also hospitalized on the 23/03/2014 and she also went through a similar problem that my brother experienced, she sent her claim form on the 04/04/2014 to Siyabonga Manikivana and she received no response. She forcefully stopped her debit order (25/04/2014) because no responded to her claim and after that we got a SMS from Idah Simika apologize for the inconvience and stating that she will investigate. We are STILL waiting for feedback.

Contacted the Affinity health consultant

Thank you. This gives us a good feeling and gives us trust in your customer service delivery if needed in the future




We contacted the Affinity health consultant on both occasions (when my brother and mother had to be hospitalized) and he informed us that we should go a hospital, get admitted and claim from affinity depending on the number of days you stay.

Nicky the agent that we could use the doctor

We've been with affinity health for 2 years. only went to the doctor 5 or 7 times in this period. Always nothing major. Then the beginning of the march my husband fell ill. At the doctors offices, they told us the 3 visits last year hasn't been paid, if we want to see the doctor we must first pay our account. He then paid R 803 to the doctor. Then came the medicine and medicross pharmacy told us we must pay everything in full cause they didn't have them on their list. This is after I confirmed with Nicky the agent that we could use the doctor. After he paid the medicine of R 905. We send in all the forms to the agent Nicky who send it on 15/04/2014 to Amelda her contact at affinity. Amelda only then send in the reimbursement form on the 23/04/2013 after I contacted her serveral time. She then said she will call me back. I called again this morning and then she told me sorry they are only paying R 230???? THIS AFTER I SETTLED THE ACCOUNT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO PAY????. What is this was an emergency and the bill was thousands? Be care full of them guys - they took you money and give you some peace of mind that they are there for you, then when you need them they are now where.

When we registered with affinity we found out they deducted 3 times the registration fee.

It was weekend when we found out and we send them a email. Not 5 minutes later we had a call from their call center to sort out the problem. Unfortunately we missed the call. They left a voice message that they will call back on Monday. And they did so early morning @9H00. All is sorted out.

My first installment

I applied to join affinity health on 2014/04/01. I was phoned by maxine and we joined affinity. My first installment was taken on 2014/04/03. The condition of a 30 day waiting period was explain as well as the 3 month waiting period for cronical medication was explained to me. On 2014/05/12 i phoned affinity again as we have not received any paperwork or membetship card as yet. I spoke to chantal and she apologised for the deley and said she would e - mail me the participation certificate so long and make sure thet my paperwork and card is delivered within 2 weeks. When I checked the participation certificate I saw that there where other exclusions that was not explained to me. I phoned affinity and requested that they cancel my account and refund my 2 installments. They said that I have waited longer than 30 days and can not claim my money back. How can I have claimed the money back if I did not know about the restrictings before 12 may 2014

ALL payments made up

This is the kind of guy that every company in South Africa needs. His professional, well mannered, polite, kind and for sure medals for this guy. Thanks Mr Wonder Nyila




I've enrolled with AH on 01.10.2013. I've been paying my monthly payment via stop order or direct debit every month since October until 05.05.2014. their statement does reflect ALL payments made up to 05.04.2014 but they still insist that i am 2 installments due. there is an error on they're side. Chantell Bester and Wonga and Idah from debit order department was assisting me on this matter. but they just look at what the statement says without taking the time to understand that the statement is incorrect. it shows ALL payments. so why does the outstanding amount still show two payments due? can someone from AH please take the time to go through the statement with me and sort out this query? since enrolling with AF, they only paid for one doctor's visit in November. my medicine i had to pay cash. i've been struggling to get this sorted out since November last year. none of them an even tell me what months are so called outstanding. they just insist on the amount they say is outstanding. no one is making a real effor to assist me. i have all my proof of payments. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE WITH A REAL INTENTION OF ASSISTING ME, PLEASE ASSIST ME! i am paying for a service i can't use.

Needless to sat when i phoned

I cancelled a new policy the same day that is was sold to me by phone from one of the personal from Affinity Health because the information he gave was not at all what the criteria of the their internet says about that specific policy. He confirmed that the policy was cancelled. On 1/6/2014 the debit order with triple the amount went of on my bank acc. He added to the policy extras without my permission and did not cancelled it at all.
Needless to sat when i phoned Affinity i was not friendly at all. A very calm, professional and friendly young man Mr Wonder Nyila listened without losing his temper like I did. He handled the complete situation with absolute proffesionalism and promised it will be sorted out the same day. Although I had to go to my bank to cancel the debit order Mr Nyila send me a letter of confirmation that the policy is cancelled. He followed up on me a few times during the day to make sure that I did receive the letter and everything was in perfect order.

Better in paying for pregnancy

I went to Clicks where nothing was covered by Affinity.

When I fell pregnant, I started looking for affordable medical aid. I had to fight with Affinity to process my application so I will be a member from 1 March 2014. After many phone calls from ME, the inception date was settled as 1 March. It's now 3+ months later, and my membership card and documentation was still not delivered to me.

None of my claims are being processed, it's a schlep to get medication that is covered, and overall I feel this has been only a waste of time and money - which I could have applied much better in paying for pregnancy consultations.
My GP, who is an out-of-network dr, now needs to get a list of meds that are covered before he can prescribe anything.

After 3 months, I am so fed up of not seeing anything positive for joining this scheme. What a waste of money and time!!!

My son is in Hospital

After the 3rd day of NOTHING clearing, I took him to Intercare and paid for the doctor my self, who after 2 minutes rushed my son to hospital, (his condition was the exact same as on the one with the Dr in the network)

After arriving at Mediclinic I had to pay R 8'000.00 deposit upfront for them to see my son as they do not affiliate with Affinity (as per their website & brochures).

After explaining his critical condition to the call centre - I was promised a return call - and am still waiting.

My son is in Hospital, and Affinity has not called back!

Please don't send advertising on my cell phone, I use my phone for business. Please take me off your SMS list.

Please don't send advertising on my cell phone, I use my phone for business. Please take me off your SMS list.

I have received nothing but excellent service from Affinity Health since I joined them in June 2013. I must say, Affinity Health is definitely the most efficient and competent Medical Aid / Insurance I have ever subscribed to or dealt with, not to mention the most affordable too. Their personnel are also the friendliest of all the Medical Aids I've ever subscribed to. Well done to you guys! Keep up the excellent work!

Up to now I have had great service from Affinity health. I have been trying to get pre-authorisation for a septumplasty procedure. I have followed all the rules and guidelines. Today I call back after I have received the motivational letter from the ENT. I answered all the questions. Portia then asked me when was I diagnosed, I answered the 11th of June to which she responded how is that possible? Implying that I am not telling the truth. Am I and the ENT then uneducated or stupid? I have never been spoken to like that. Disgustingly rude. Needless to say I still do not have my pre-approval for the procedure I need to undergo.

This doctor absolutely useless

I have a 17month old baby boy - who started to get sick. He had a bad cough, runny tummy and could not keep any food down. I thought he might just have simple Gastroenteritis which should clear up with water and no milk.
As his condition did not better after the FIRST night - I took him to the doctor in the network.

This doctor absolutely useless and was concerned about his dry skin, after which we told him, he only gets in winter. Eventually after arguing with the doctor to please give something for his Gastroenteritis and BAD cough - he only gave something for his cough.

They advised that the policiy cannot be changed

I took out a medical insurance with Affinity health on the 2013/04/01. This was done telephonically. I was esencially looking for a hospital plan. I was called during June 2014 by Affinty to enquire about other products they have on offer. During this conversation a found out that I was on a day to day care plan. I am not a sickly person therefor never asked for this type of insurance, I was duped by the sales agent. I immediatly called the Affinity call centre to voice my disgust. They advised that the policiy cannot be changed. I then asked them to cancel the policy. I was called back by a mananger of some sort

s later but he also could not assist me. I asked him to make sure the policy is cancelled.

I would never deal with a company who poaches personal cell numbers for spam purposes and calls it "advertising". You people should be ashamed... Get original and stop poaching cell numbers and stop spamming!... please ;)

Alberton with a possible Appendicitis

I would like to take this opportunity to complain about a product that I personally think where created to pray on people.
My daughter have been a member since May of 2013.
On 14 July 2014 at 16H00 we had to rush my daughter to Casualties at Union

Hospital in Alberton with a possible Appendicitis. SHE WAS IN SEVERE PAIN.
The staff at Union was send from heaven and L*** was made to feel comfortable in no time.

Then the bad news. Affinity was phoned for authorisation for test and admitting her. Well well after more than a year of faithful payments we were told that blood test, sonars and x-rays are for our own account. We had to pay the Hospital and doctor first before the doctor could assist. R2080.
Affinity Heath will admit her but only R11 000 for two days. Yet her membership document states that L**** qualifies for R30 000 for Appendicitis. After lots of stress and worries L*** was transferred to Natalspruit Hospital for the emergency operation. This was 03H00 in the morning. This means L*** was in pain for 11 hours just because Affinity did not want to assist.

Affinity Health is a terrible product

This R299 product offered by Affinity Health is a terrible product. I took out this additional medical aid service in May and waited through June and eventually when I used this service last week and Wednesday I got a huge shock. I was told by the call centre agent that is fed with false information to sell this terrible product that all medication prescribed by a doctor is free of charge. All my sinus medication including pain tablets was declined this useless company does not pay for that medication so I needed to pay in cash for my medication. I would like to cancel this terrible service and get my 2n premiums reversed as this product gives its customers false information and does not give them peace of mind. I called the call centre number that they gave me on Thursday last week and to date nobody has called me back. Another company answers the line and says that they will inform Affinity health to call me. Still hear nothing from these people. PLEASE CANCEL MY POLICY AND REVERSE MY PREMIUMS PAID TO DATE!!!

Product offered by Affinity Health

We do strive to make the customer experience special and we thank you for making special mention of Carine who will appreciate the compliment.

I took Affinity Health- it was explained to me that all pathology test are cover aswell as all radiologist accounts we must just know it is only black and white xtrays. I had pain in my leg so i went to the doctor.The Dr did X-Rays at Tshepo Themba Clinix hospital. I then recieved two statements from the Pathology Dr and the Radiology saying tht i have to pay their monies as Affinity refused to pay and they said Affility said they dont cover such test(blood test and X-Rays). So please tell me what is an X-Ray is it not radiologist? What is a bloodtest - is it not pathology? I am no doctor but seriously.
Kindly assist with this matter.

Thank you too

Thank you for taking the time in reporting your experience on Hello Peter.

At date and time of your hospital visit, we requested for a doctors report to access what the condition is you were going to be treated for? According to our records and conversation with the hospital, it was noted that the hospital were not very co-operative.

After further investigation, we also note that your policy was not paid for the month of August?

We have since contacted you to attempt to resolve this matter.

Why have I WASTED all this money

Their products and services is an absolute winner, these people treat you like royalty.

I landed up in the Emergency unit on the 2 August with severe abdominal pain. Drs suspect I have gall stones but can not do any form of investigation because Affinity Health say I am not covered for this. I took out this policy so that I had hospital cover only to be told I had to go to a state institution to get any type of service. Why have I WASTED all this money for if I STILL have to go to a state facility? Sick of being ripped off, these people are taking our money and giving us NOTHING in return. I now have to pay a bill at St Dominics, had to pay for my medication and am STILL in pain.

I would like to thank everyone

I was looking for medical cover and came across Affinity Health (Health Insurance), I was attracted by their highly affordable medical cover in regards to day-to-day benefits, and if that was not enough, I was totally blown away by their competent and friendly personnel. WHAT A BREATH OF FRESH AIR!!! I had to shift my debit order deduction to a later stage for a different date a month later, no problems, it was smooth sailing all the way. It was done, no questions asked.

I would like to thank everyone involved who made this possible, a special thank you to Helena Williams who assisted me by explaining to me how the policy works as well as explaining me the benefits.

I would really urge everyone with a need for affordable medical cover to have a look at Affinity Health Insurance as an highly affordable alternative to medical cover, please visit them at [URL Removed]

July 2014 with Bronco phneumonia

Affinity health contacted me regarding a policy health insurance. The guy told me that I can have health insurance and medical aid and that they pay out for the hospital part of the policy R6500 for the first day R4500 for day 2-3 and R3000 for day 4-5 and after that R1500 up to 21 days. My child was in hospital at the beginning of July 2014 with Bronco phneumonia. Now they say no my medical aid paid the hospital bill so they are not going to pay anything. In there FAQ they say that the benefits would be paid into my account and that I would be responsible for settling the hospital. Chantelle told me that there would be no pay out to me because Discovery paid. No where in the documents that I received is stated that they would pay the balance of what Discovery did not pay for my hospital benefit. " The affinity health hospital plan is not a medical aid scheme, but an insured stated benefit hospital plan, in that the daily cash benefists are payable to the member and not the medical service provider.

We will be contacting you regarding

Hello S.,

We will refer your compliment to the correct business to attend too and reply.

Kind regards
Affinity Health Management Team

Dominique from the telesales sold me the accident plan I have been paying for months but have not yet received my welcome package by courier as promissed with my medical card contract stating everything and should I now experence an emergency I have NO PROOF I HAVE COVER!

We will be contacting you regarding this matter to resolve. We have since contacted our courier company to ensure the Welcome Pack is delivered to you soonest.

We look forwarding to resolving this

We have neither approved or declined the claim as yet, but do require the doctors report so we can access the claim and resolve this matter with you.

In the last communication with us we confirmed that we require this info and you committed to obtain this report and send to us. Last communications with were on 15th Aug 2014 and we have been contact the doctor daily for the required report.

We really wish to resolve this matter but can only do so on receipt of the doctors report.

We look forwarding to resolving this.

Kind regards
Affinity Health Management Team 

Thank you for reporting your experience

The doctor send the report to my email address and I forwarded this report to Chantal Boylan directly she send this on to Portia at Pan African on the 20th of August. I have to get another copy of the first report because on the one I received on the 25th of June they indicate a closed fracture of calcaneus and this is a bit confusing. On Dr Fourie's report she indicated a Bimalleolar fracture of left ankle. This is a fracture of the left ankle. I also received a report from the Orthopaedic Surgeon at Zuid Afrikaans Hospital today. However I explained previously I am currently working from home and I cannot scan the reports to send them through to you.

Thank you for reporting your experience on Hello Peter.

We have been in constant with you and still await for the doctors report who originally treated you. We have even go as far as to contact the doctors rooms on several occasions for the report but to no avail.

Only after I signed up they communicated

The consultant who sold me the medical insurance told me that I can claim all my medication back from Affinity. Only after I signed up they communicated that just some medication is covered. I asked for a list of that medication on which Vaneshree emailed me this address to use to see if the medication is covered: [URL Removed] When I put in my claim this month they did not approve it and said it is not on the covered medication list. When I questioned this and said that when I went to that link it came up as that they do cover it, the reply was that the list change all the time and is not covered anymore. I feel this is not right at all, very misleading when they explain how it works and it seems that they change the list to suit their needs to not pay what we claim for.

Op die 24ste Junie het ek gegly en geval ek was nog in die 30 dae wag periode aangesien ek die 1ste Junie 2014 aangesluit het. Wat ek nie verstaan het is dat ek die ongeluksvoordeel kon gebruik het maar die oproep sentrum het nie eers 'n aantekening gemaak dat ek gebel het die 24ste Junie en navraag gedoen het wat om te doen nie. Intussen is dit al vandag die 21ste Augustus my enkel het nog nie aangegroei nie ek het die Drs verslag gestuur om die Ortopeet te sien maar ek het vandag self die Ortopeet betaal. Die Ortopeet het 'n MR scan versoek aangesien hy nie op die plate alles kan sien nie waar ek uitgevind het Affinity dek geen scans nie net x-strale. Chantal Boylan by die call centre is die enigste hulp sover. Dit is kommerwekkend dat mens hierdie valse hoop en vertroosting het om te dink jy het dekking as daar iets gebeur maar dit is nie waar nie. Ek was ook meegedeel enige hospitaal maar dan kom jy by die hospitaal dan behandel hulle jou as 'n privaat pasient. Jy het hierdie wanpersepsie oor die goedkoper premie maar intussen betaal jy baie meer jy kan net sowel 'n ordentlike mediese fonds uitneem wat alles dek as om so baie bybetalings te he.

shopping for a new medical aid

My wife and I were shopping for a new medical aid and via research on the internet, we were contacted by Jaime Brits from Affinity Health. Jaime helped us make our decision and join up with our new medical insurance - all online and by phone. Nothing was too much trouble, Jaime had a good knowledge of his products, was friendly, efficient and did not hesitate to contact either myself or my wife to get the job done. It was a joy to go through what could potentially be a tedious process with someone who made us feel that our welfare was important to him. Thank you Jaime!

I have unsubscribed repeatedly to the mailing list (I never asked to be added to it) but yet continue to receive SPAM from Affinity health and Affinity dental regularly. This is illegal. Please remove me and never send to me again. Utterly Disgusted: Thank you for your message - I AM registered on the national DO-Not-Contact register and have always been - you contacted me ANYWAY and totally disregarded it!