Friday 26 September 2014

AffinityHealth due to these

Where did they get my number from? Why are they SMSing me even though I'm on the opt out list?

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.

Received an unsolicited SMS from AffinityHealth - I cannot opt out of something if I never subscribed in the first place. Additionally it is a cheek to expect me to pay to unsubscribe. I am DMA registered and will NEVER do business with AffinityHealth due to these cheap marketing stunts.

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.

Consumer Protection Act

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.


We would like to resolve the matter with you and we have requested that you provide us with the details of your query.  I received an SMS from affinity health. I have never dealt with them nor do I want to pay to opt out of their list.

We also do make it very clear

We also do make it very clear in all our literature, welcome letter and product guide that our benefits are strictly within our set formularies such as restrictions to 'black and white' X-Rays. On day to day benefits, we only approve sonars for pregnancy. Such restrictions secure monthly premiums of only R279 per member and as a result many thousands of happy members enjoy the benefits offered.

 We will make contact with the management of the pathology company that you quoted to address the defamatory comments made by their personnel. Our relationship with them is extremely good and they too enjoy prompt and frequent payments from us for the their claims.

 Affinity Health medical insurance is an absolutely affordable medical insurance that does exactly what any lower plan on any other medical aid fund would do at half the price and with triple the amount of efficiency. I would specifically like to compliment Nadine, Bernie and Callin on their absolutely fantastic way of dealing with me as the customer. I received feedback all the way through and the query was resolved.

Our marketing company

I have been receiving spam sms's from you guys. Please stop bugging me. Is this type of unauthorised advertising not illegal??? It should be!

Our marketing company has confirmed that they have unsubscribed you off their database.

For additional protection against corporate marketing campaigns you are advised to register on the national D0-Not-Contact register as contemplated in the Consumer Protection Act ( This way most direct marketing companies that comply with the DMA protocols will not include you in any marketing campaigns.

 We took Affinity Health- it was explained to us that all pathology test are cover aswell as all radiologist accounts we must just know it is only black and white xtrays. My husband had pain in his leg so we went to the doctor this morning. She said his leg is swollen we must go for a sonar at Eugene marias hospital. When we came there they said that Affinity is not linked to them, they can do the sonar but we have to pay upfront and try to claim back. We called affinity without any success as to someone to assist us where to get assistance. We contacted our dr and she suggested a blood test. So we went to the Lancet lab in her office, only to find out that Affinity do not pay for such lab tests. So please tell me what is a sonar is it not radiologist? What is a bloodtest - is it not pathology? I am no doctor but seriously. The docter and the lab in PTA Norht said stay away they have problems every day with Affinity Health. So before you get Affinity rather go to some one else.

This afternoon I phoned

This is really bad. Week ago I phoned for auth nr was told to phone africa assist. They wanted a letter from the dr regarding what is wrong with me and what the dr is planning to do. I forwarded those letters as requested. Its for a growth in my shoulder that needs to be removed surgically. They corresponded per email they will get back to me this morning. This afternoon I phoned and the guy said someone from affinity will contact me but he thinks they declined it???? How possible is this for such poor service? As to date I was impressed but after this ordeal I want to cancel this whole thing? They suppose to help me.. what am I then paying for if I cant go for something that might put my health at risk?

We telephonically communicated to you the same day the reasons for us declining your hospital admission and have since provided you with written communication.

On my previous complaint

Shay and Carine set the standard for service delivery and other companies can learn a **** of alot from them! If this is the type of service Affinity Health strives for then I look forward to being a client of theirs for a very long time!

 On my previous complaint Paul phoned me back and stated saying my auth was declined. Affinity says its pre existing condition but how is this possible if the cancerous knob on my shoulder has only been diognosed through a mri a week ago? 4 weeks ago I went to my GP showing him the newly found knob on my shoulder and from his reported measurements of the growth it has doubled the size in a month according to the specialist. My GP referred me to this specialist which diagnosed that its cancerous. Im not happy and not happy with the way everything was handled. This growth is present in my shoulder for about 3 to 3 and half months and growing at a enormous fase. I was told that this has happened in the 3 month waiting period but how can I declare a pre existing condition if the growth was not even present at the time when I joined Affinity health. Am I paying for a service which im not allowed to use? My health is at risk here. The longer I wait greater will my health risk be. Is this how much affinity care for they members??? And till this day nobody phoned again as I was requesting someone from affinity should call me and explain this to me.I'm going to the newspapers with this....

I recently signed up

the list of doctors I got from affinity was of all cheap useless doctors. I have decided to leave them for discovery rather. and i have been a member since october til today no card.

I recently signed up for a Hospital insurance plan for myself and my girlfriend, and after much research and tearing my hair out, I finally came across Affinity Health.

As with all other health insurance companies, I was skeptical at first, but Affinity has the best deals to suit us, so I decided to take the plunge and mail them to get the necessary documentation etc.

Shay walked me through the process step by step and explained everything clearly and patiently to me and gave me all the info and paperwork I needed. Upon submission, our applications were handed over to Carine who handled our applications so professionally and quickly and never missed any detail. Honestly the entire sign up process was painless and it took less than a day from start to finish!